There are a few questions that all homeschool moms face (often more than once) regarding their children’s education. These questions tend to show up when we stop and realize that we are solely responsible for our children’s education…
Are we teaching our kids the right things? Do our children know what they should at their grade level? Am I giving them the best education they could receive?
How can we as homeschool moms ensure that we develop a balanced education for our children? We know that their future is dependent on us and that we must prepare them for the real world, but how? Even more, how can we do it well?
5 Ways to Develop a Balanced Education
Ensure our children are grounded in the three R’s – Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic
The future of our children is dependent on their ability to read, write and work with numbers. If they can not communicate verbally, share their thoughts on paper or complete math problems, then they will struggle throughout their lives. The beginning of a balanced education is found in these three subjects.
Incorporate learning into life
Every part of life can be used to homeschool our children. Science is waiting outside, math is easily found in the kitchen, language arts can be taught through communication, history is our past…learning isn’t found only in textbooks. Education can easily be balanced using life as daily school lessons.
[Tweet “Only you can give your children the balanced education they need. #HSMomNeeds”]
Look over your children’s school work often
It is important to teach our children to learn to be independent learners, but we must be careful to not be completely hands off. Taking the time to look over our children’s school work is key to ensuring they have a balanced education. If they’re not grasping one particular subject, then we must take time to review the subject before moving on.
Follow your children’s interests and add to them
Allowing our children to learn about their interests is very important, it tells them that their interests are important to us and gives them the ability to grow in the passions God has given them. While they may be interested in learning about the vikings from history, we can incorporate fun math activities, geography skills and more! A great way to add to our children’s interests is by using unit studies and lapbooks, both of which are great frugal homeschooling options.
Follow your heart and God’s direction
God made us mothers, He gave us the children we have and He called us to homeschool. God instills in each of us a heart that desires our children to succeed at whatever God calls them to do. We know our children better than anyone else. We know what they’re ready for, what they can handle, where they excel and where they struggle. A balanced education looks different for your children than it will for mine.
[Tweet “A balanced education looks different for your children than it will for mine. #HSMomNeeds”]
Mothers know best. That’s the saying, though I don’t think we always believe that it is true. Your child’s balanced education is in your hands and you can do it. God gave you the maternal instinct to know exactly what your child needs, wants and is capable of doing, so stop doubting yourself. Only you can give your children the balanced education they need.
How do you develop a balanced education in your homeschool?
Find the rest of the homeschool mom needs series here.