Learning about the history of the United States is an important part of our children’s education. Do your children know what year our first President of the United States was elected? Have they learned what government party James K. Polk was associated with during his Presidency? While these facts may be boring to kids when learning from a textbook, there are other ways we can ensure our children know these historical facts!
With President’s Day just around the corner I thought it would be fun to create a easy to use resource for kids to learn a few facts about the 45 Presidents of the United States. My son actually did all of the research and created this printable as part of his homeschooling last month. Having a broken arm makes handwriting difficult, so we have had to improvise our homeschool days a bit.
Inside this pack you’ll find a learning card for each of the Presidents of the United States. They include information such as date of birth, government party, years served and more! These are a great resource to encourage your children to want to learn more about the leaders of our great country!
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