5 Ways to Bring Inspiration to Your Homeschool

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Bringing inspiration into your homeschool is very important. It is what will keep you motivated and keep your children excited to learn. Finding daily inspiration requires a dedicated homeschool mom who desires to inspire her children to learn all they can.

Inspiring our children to learn is one of the greatest accomplishments we can achieve. When we open our children’s minds to learning new and exciting things, we’ll be amazed at what they accomplish as they grow up.

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Each of our children will be inspired by different things most likely, which can make bringing inspiration to your homeschool a bit more difficult. Yet, as with most things on our parenting journey, the rewards will outweigh the time we put in.

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When our children are inspired to learn, our homeschools will be filled with joy and peace. By taking the extra steps to inspire our children’s minds we’ll find our homeschool time is blessed!

5 Ways to Bring Inspiration to Your Homeschool


  • Discover your children’s passion

What does each of your children want to learn about? What topics or subjects would they enjoy discovering? When we take time to find out the things our children want to learn about, we’ll bring inspiration into our homeschool days and we’ll be showing our children that what they want to learn about matters to us! They will be more inclined to learn when they know their voice has been heard!

  • Find out how your child learns best

Each child learns differently, it’s important that we know how and that we use that to bring inspiration to our homeschool. When we teach our children how they learn best, we’ll be able to give them the balanced education they need because they will be more interested in learning.

  • Don’t get stuck in your school room

Take your homeschool outside, to the park, in the living room or some place fresh and new. There is no better way to refocus and be inspired than by changing your scenery from time to time. Just as you sometimes grow tired of doing the same things in the same places in your home, your children do too, so be sure change things up a bit occasionally!

  • Bring the fun into all the learning

There will be subjects that our children don’t really want to learn about. Whether it be because math is a struggle for them or that art is too messy, there will be something that each child won’t want to do. Yet, we must ensure that they learn what they will need in the future as adults and we as their parents know best how to prepare them. So, we must work especially hard to bring the fun into all their lessons as much as we are able. Using games – board, card or online, experiments, audios and videos are great ways to add fun to learning!

  • Make sure you’re inspired first

It’s hard to inspire others when you aren’t inspired yourself. It’s important that we remember why we homeschool because that is what inspires us. We may not love teaching every subject, but we love our children and we love homeschooling. We must ensure that our inspiration carries into our homeschool each day. Our children need to know that we’re inspired to teach them even if every subject doesn’t inspire us.

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When we bring inspiration into our homeschool, we’re inviting imagination, creativity and excitement into our days! We will see our children find new ways to learn, discover new passions and realize that learning can be fun! Inspiration is key to a thriving homeschool and it is greatly in our hands to provide inspiration for our children to grow!

How do you bring inspiration to your homeschool?

Misty - Founder of Year Round Homeschooling

Find the rest of the homeschool mom needs series here.

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