These Illinois Notebooking Pages are a great resource for kids to share what they’ve been learning about ‘The Prairie State‘.
Notebooking pages are a fun way to change up writing assignments for your kids.
Sometimes children just need a bit of inspiration to find the words.
It can be difficult to stare at a blank piece of paper or computer screen.
Especially if the writing assignment isn’t your cup of tea.
Our children need to learn how to complete tasks that they don’t love, that is part of life.
However, we can teach them how to find ways to enjoy them or make the most of them.
If you know that your child is a reluctant writer or is struggling with a particular topic, look for simple ways to inspire them.
That is what I love the most about notebooking pages.
While a little graphic in the corner of a piece of paper may not seem inspirational to you, it could make the world of difference to your child.
If nothing else, it will make filing and organizing their homeschool papers easier for you!
These Illinois Notebooking Pages include options for children from Preschool through High School.