Make Reading Fun with Family Read Alouds

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Kids love to spend time with their family, more than they are willing to say and more than we begin to understand. When we take time out of our busy days to spend quality time with them, unplugged and not distracted, we’re choosing to tell our children that we value time with them. This act alone speaks more than a thousand words could express.

Make Reading Fun with Family Read Alouds - By Misty Leask

One of my favorite times with my children is spent snuggled up on the couch or in bed reading aloud together as a family. Sometimes we read chapter books and other times I bring out a few of their favorite old picture books to reminisce the years gone by.

Making reading fun is easy with family read alouds!

  • Ensure that you don’t just get lost reading the words on the pages, bring them to life with voice inflection!
  • Take time to define words that your children don’t understand, so they can understand the depth of what you’re reading.
  • Using silly actions to make your kids laugh is always lots of fun.
  • Give examples for perplexing situations to increase their understanding.
  • Let your kids choose a book once in a while.

These are just a few examples of how I make family read alouds fun in our home, don’t be afraid to try other things in yours!

Family read alouds truly bring everyone together in ways that television and movies can’t. When you’re journeying through the pages of a book, your imaginations begin to come alive and anticipation grows with each page you turn. When you’re reading together as a family you’re experiencing and journeying through the story together! Laughter, tears, frustration, joy and pain are often written all over each of your faces as you’re making memories together. These memories will last more than a lifetime. When we begin traditions with our families, such as family read alouds, we’re teaching our children things that they should do with their kids. Someday your family read aloud tradition will likely be passed on to your grandchildren.

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Many parents wish that their children would talk to them more, but they aren’t sure how to get started! Family read alouds provide amazing conversation opportunities and often topics that we’d never even think about discussing with our children come up within the pages of a book!

It doesn’t matter what age your children are right now, family read alouds are enjoyed by both the littlest ones to the oldest children! Start a new family tradition and make reading fun for your kids by adding family read alouds to your days! You’ll come to cherish the quality time you’re having together, while instilling a love for reading in each of your children and making memories that will last beyond a lifetime!

Just in case you missed the rest of the series, you can find more ideas for making reading fun here!

Misty Leask from Year Round Homeschooling


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