Movies are easier to access than ever before making family movie night both frugal and fun. A quick push of a button and the movie of your choice will start streaming. No waiting for the New Release to arrive at the video store required.
However, the world around us is changing. Once upon a time parents could pick up a family movie at the local rental store and pop it in without previewing. Reading movie reviews wasn’t necessary if it was a family movie. Sadly, family movie night requires more from parents than ever before.
Thankfully there are easy ways to safeguard your family movie night. There are websites and companies that recognize that parents need to have the choice regarding what is appropriate for their children to watch and hear.
**Before you read any further I want to let you know that I have NOT been paid to write this post…by anyone mentioned below. I am just passionate about this topic and wanted to share the resources that I find invaluable to our family movie nights**
How to Safeguard Your Family Movie Night
- Read movie reviews
I do not like spoilers. In fact, I avoid them at all costs for movies and shows that I watch. However, as a parent I’ve had to let go and read movie reviews prior to watching movies with my children.
Common Sense Media is my favorite movie review site. They break down their movie reviews into 8 different categories; educational value, positive messages, positive role models and representations, violence and scariness, sexy stuff, language, consumerism and drinking, drugs and smoking. They also offer a free account that allows you to write reviews for any movie on their site. So, you can read movie reviews by other parents as well.
- Subscribe to VidAngel
Through VidAngel you can stream movies available from Amazon, Netflix and they have their own content as well! This is my family movie night safeguard must have!
They offer a free 30 day trial if you’d like to check them out. Yet, I’m certain that you will love all of the filtering options they offer!
You have the ability to eliminate mature content, language, violence and/or alcohol, tobacco and drug use with VidAngel. BUT they take it a step further and allow you to pick and choose what you want to filter out in each category. So, if you only want to skip alcohol use, but aren’t concerned with smoking, you can! I’m ok with my teens watching most violence, but love having the choice to skip any violent scenes I find unnecessary.
- Sign up for an Amazon account
Having an Amazon account allows you to purchase just one movie to stream if you don’t do family movie nights very often. You’ll also find new releases available to stream via Amazon before they come out on Netflix. If you have an Amazon Prime account their Prime Video and the HBO Channel works with VidAngel too!
I encourage you to take time to thank VidAngel for the ability to filter movie content. There are a few large production companies that are fighting against their methods of filtering. Thankfully they’ve been able to secure filtered streaming through Amazon and Netflix. VidAngel is fighting for parent’s rights to decide what is appropriate for their children – that is something we all should be thankful for. You an also contact your senator and ask them to fight for your right to filter any and ALL movies through VidAngel’s service.
Family movie nights is one of our favorite evening activities. We love to crawl into bed or sit on the couch watching movies. It brings the entire family together. Having the option to eliminate any unnecessary content that Hollywood tries to bring into my home…priceless!
How do you safeguard your family movie nights?