5 Ways to Know if You Should Change Your Homeschooling Method

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There are moments in our homeschool journeys when we wonder what’s wrong. We question ourselves, our decision to homeschool, our choice of curriculum and even our children’s abilities and lack of interest and motivation to learn. Yet, one things we often don’t take into consideration is our homeschooling method of choice. Sometimes we don’t think about it because after all it’s school right? The children just need to sit down, complete their daily lessons and then they get to move on to playtime. How hard is that? Many homeschool moms don’t know how many homeschooling methods there are or how to even get started with a new one. After all, change can be scary.

5 Ways to Know if You Should Change Your Homeschooling Method - By Misty Leask

Knowing when you need to change your homeschooling method isn’t hard. There are a few signs you’ll see and then you’ll realize that changing your homeschooling method is the best course of action for your homeschool.

  • Changing curriculum doesn’t help.

This is often one of the first things we try when we know we need to “fix” our homeschool. Sometimes it works wonderfully, but when it doesn’t you might need to consider changing your homeschooling method.

  • Mixing up your homeschool schedule isn’t helpful. 

Sometimes trying out different homeschooling times or rearranging school subjects can help your homeschool. Other times it just frustrates moms and the kids who like consistency.

  • Your children ask to do a particular type of learning activity frequently that is not normal for your homeschool.

Whether they love lapbooking, exploring, chasing rabbit trails or enjoy textbooks, most of these learning activities are used in different homeshcooling methods.

  • You and your kids dread homeschooling continually.

If each and every day is a battle for you and your kids, it’s probably time to try something new. A less stressful homeschooling method may be what you need, a more structured homeschool day may be just right for you or an entirely new homeschooling method may be perfect for your family.

  • Your children don’t long to learn.

Kids love to learn, we just have to figure out how our kids learn. In order to do this, we need to pay attention during their play time. What do they choose to do when it’s completely their choice? Once we’ve determined this, we have to figure out how to incorporate it into their homeschool days!


Changing your homeschool method could be the one thing you and your children need. It can your homeschool outlook, provide fresh inspiration and encouragement for you! Your children need to love learning, that’s why many of us chose to homeschool. It’s important that we never forget that!

Don’t be afraid of change throughout your homeschooling journey. Your children will grow and change and so will you. Be aware of the signs that will show up when your homeschool needs to change.

Have you ever had to change your homeschooling method? If so, what are some tips that you can share with other homeschool moms? 


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