There will be days that you just don’t feel like you’re doing good enough. Days when you’re sure homeschooling isn’t right for you or your kids. At some point in time you’ll feel like you’ve failed your kids and aren’t a capable educator like you thought you were.
These are all lies. They are not the truth.
The truth is that you are the best educator for your kids. When you chose to homeschool your children that wasn’t when you became their teacher. God made you their first teacher by making you their mother and He knew exactly what He was doing.
The truth is that you are doing an amazing job caring for and loving your children. You are exactly what they need. They don’t need someone else’s mom (even if they say they do), they can’t live life on their own (though they’d like to think they could)…they need Y.O.U.
The truth is that you will fail at times. You can’t be perfect, but it is in your imperfect moments that you’re able to reach your children more than ever. How you respond to your imperfect moments is important to your kids. They will learn from you how to accept and grow to understand being imperfect.
The truth is that you are too hard on yourself. You can’t possibly do it all, but you do all that you are able and then you keep going. You give up sleep at night to plan homeschool lessons and grade papers, your “me” time is spent folding laundry while trying to catch up with your girlfriends on the phone in between kids asking questions and arguing, you spends hours cooking several meals a day and in less than 20 minutes everyone is done eating and it’s time to clean up.
The truth is that you need to give yourself grace. You can dish it out to everyone else, countless times a day, but you struggle accepting the grace that you need desperately. Being a mom is a high and a hard calling at times and yet, you wake up each morning ready to face the day and whatever it holds.
There will never be a perfect homeschool mom. All we can give our kids is our best and let grace cover the rest.
You can find the rest of the Year Round Homeschooling Tips from this 31 day series here.