North Star Geography: How We Plan to Use It

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As a homeschool mom I am always looking for great curriculum, but with all the options out there it can be confusing and overwhelming to know where to start. Over the last 4 years since I started homeschooling I’ve relied on reviews and recommendations from other homeschool moms for curriculum to try with my children. I find that I am more apt to like a particular homeschool curriculum if I can read or chat with a homeschool mom that can tell me what she loved, hated and learned through the curriculum that I’m researching. It is for these reasons that I’m excited to be working with Bright Ideas Press as a Brand Ambassador for their new geography curriculum, North Star Geography.

My oldest just started middle school this year and I had not found a geography curriculum that I really like yet, so I was excited when I was offered the opportunity to partner with BIP and review North Star Geography.

North Star Geography - How We Plan to Use It - By Misty Leask

Each month I will be sharing what we’ve learned while using NSG, the things I’ve loved as the teacher, what my son has enjoyed, how we’ve used some of Tyler’s geography tips of the week and much more!

Since receiving this curriculum I’ve already seen a few things that I love…

  • WonderMaps – These maps are layered, so once you download the software provided you can customize your map with only borders, country names and more! These maps will work not only for your geography studies, but will also work wonderfully for your history lessons too!
  • Schedule Options – This is a very detailed curriculum with lots of learning oppotunities, so I was really happy to see that Tyler had taken the time to break the curriculum down in various ways so you can determine the best way to use it for your student and their learning level.
  • Graphic Organizers – There is not a student workbook to order with this curriclum. The CD included with the book includes all of the printable worksheets you’ll need for the entire study and they are organized by lesson numbers.

I believe it is very important that our children learn about the world we live in and the amazing ways that God put everything together. I’m excited to dig into this curriculum with my student and share more about North Star Geography with you here in the coming months!

North Star Geography How We Plan to Use It
Now it’s time for the Hearts for Home Link Up! Please link up your family friendly posts below!

The most viewed post from last week was from A Nest in the Rocks, Nature Photography Contest for Kids.

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