Spring can be a difficult time to inspire children to read. After the short, winter days of being indoors, children are eager to get outside, ride their bikes, and explore nature. This Spring Reading Bingo will allow them to enjoy the great outdoors and read!
Obviously, we want our children to be outdoors where they can run, get physical exercise, breathe fresh air, and explore all of God’s wonderful nature. However, we still want to balance that with stimulating their mind and imagination through reading.
This is when we turn to fun, creative ways to inspire them to continue reading.
One way we can do that is to encourage them to take reading outside with them. They can pair it up with reading about nature, connecting what they’re reading with what they explore as they run and play or just grab a good book and sit outside soaking up the sun and fresh air while giving their imagination a chance to soar.
That is why this Spring Reading Bingo Card is perfect for this time of year.
The Spring Reading Bingo Card has 29 reading challenges that encourage your children to take reading outdoors, some that are silly, and one free space. These challenges include: Reading while sitting next to a flower bed, reading to a shut-in, reading to your pet, and reading a poem.
You can be flexible while using this Spring Reading Bingo Card.
You can give your child a reward for achieving a BINGO or even arrange a large reward for working hard to fill in all of the BINGO spaces.
Why not do it as a family to see who gets the first BINGO or who can fill their card up first?
Perhaps you can gather your neighborhood or church friends together to create a reading club and use this as inspiration to make reading enjoyable and exciting.
You can use the Spring Bingo card in many ways to inspire some spring reading in your children.