The life of a homeschool mom is never ending. There is always something else waiting to be done, another paper to grade, a new concept to teach and a home that is in disarray. We get so caught up in getting our to do lists done each day that we forget the importance of living in the moment. Instead we just push to get everything done without ensuring the memories we’re creating are the ones that we actually want to make and remember.
Living in the moment is what I’m striving to do this year. As we began a child led homeschooling method this year, I knew that I wanted to experience homeschooling for the first time. I didn’t just want to get school done. I wanted my children to touch, see, hear and live their homeschooling journey. I realized that if learning the facts is all that our homeschool was about that I was wasting my time and theirs.
In order to live in the moment, I must take time to breathe. I can’t merely walk through each day and get things done. Going through the motions of each day and just checking things off my list won’t give me the moments I want to cherish and remember. They’ll leave me with regret. I have enough regrets already, I don’t want to regret my relationships with my children and their homeschool journey.
Do you need to start living in the moment? Are the memories you’re making the ones you really want to relive?
If you need a bit of inspiration and encouragement to take time to breathe, stop by My Joy-Filled Life, where I’m sharing heart to heart truths for moms just like you and I.
How do you ensure that you live in the moment? What steps do you take each day to ensure that you’re making memories that you want to last a lifetime?