It is Christmastime again! This is a great time to start teaching your kids how to actually study music! Getting started with Christmas music studies will hopefully spark an interest in them that encourages them to continue studying music and composers throughout the year.
But, how can you use Christmas music in your homeschool?
First, you need to plan ahead because there are so many great songs out there to listen to and utilize! If you don’t start planning now, you will likely find yourself overwhelmed.
Next, pick out a few songs to listen to and analyze. You can analyze the lyrics, the rhythm, the composer, the lyricist – there is so much you can do with just one song! Here are a few of my favorites you can start with:
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Auld Lang Syne (we sing this at New Year’s, but it would work)
You could also learn about songs from a certain era of time.
Christmas Music from the Baroque Era
Christmas Music in the Victorian Era
Christmas in the Post-War Years
Or songs from a region or country! There are many great Christmas songs from other countries.
Welcome Christmas: Carols and Lullabies from around the World
Kids Sing Christmas Around the World
Christmas Carols from Around the World
Christmas A Cappella: Songs from Around the World
Have your kids learn and “perform” this play, Christmas Around the World, to learn more about Christmas in other countries.
Or do an extensive, in-depth study on one composer or singer and his songs.
There are so many options and combinations you can use to study music and notebooking pages are a great way to get started! So, I created these fun Composer and Christmas Song Study Notebooking Pages. They include 18 different pages in several different styles with manuscript lines and plain lines.
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