While a trip to Africa might not be possible, there are so many different opportunities to study the animals of Africa. This African Animals Study will help your kids learn all about animals they might only see at the zoo!
I love going to the zoo even as an adult. In fact, the older I get the more I appreciate the animal kingdom.
My family has jokingly heard me say that I should have been Eve because 1) I don’t like fresh fruit from trees, 2) I love gardening and 3) I love animals.
Whether you love animals as much as I do or not, they are a great topic of study to teach kids how to research at a young age.
While researching may not seem like an essential skill for your young learners, it is one that they will need to acquire sooner rather than later.
Why not use animals as a fun topic for them to begin to learn the skill of research?
There are 8 different African animals featured in this African Animals Study.
Your students will need to do their own research about each African animal to complete the fact page, anatomy page and read/answer pages.
For a fun wrap-up of their study, your students will enjoy playing a matching game with the included color and black and white African animal cards.