Alabama Virtual Field Trips

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The best way to teach your kids about the world they live in is to provide them with experiences like field trips. However, sometimes travel isn’t possible when you’re studying a specific place.

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Whether you’re able to travel to Alabama to visit in person or not, these Alabama Virtual Field Trips provide amazing educational opportunities! 

Over the last few years, I’ve been extremely thankful for the internet. Living far away from family means that I use Facetime or Facebook Video on a daily basis. Running a family business makes virtual field trip options a tremendous blessing.

When my children were younger, virtual field trips would have been a tremendous blessing financially. There were many places I would have loved to take my children, but couldn’t afford to do so.

Perhaps you find yourself in a similar place? If so, I hope that you and your children truly enjoy these virtual field trips from Alabama. 

100+ Alabama Virtual Field Trips


Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Dinosaurs Alive!

Wild Ocean

Ruffner Mountain

Alabama Museum of Natural History: iNaturalist


Alabama Museum of Natural History

Iron and Steel Museum of Alabama

USS Alabama

Mummies: Secret of the Pharaohs

The Gorgas House Museum

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Abroms Engel Institute for the Visual Arts

The American Sport Art Museum

Mobile Carnival Museum

Abbot Nature Photography

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Alabama Farmers Federation

Tree Nursery

Catfish Farming


Beef Cattle

Fruits and Vegetables 

Peanut and Row Crops

Discovering Alabama Programs

80+ videos covering the coasts, geology, forests and rivers of Alabama (Make sure you don’t miss the teacher guides available for each of these!)

What is your favorite virtual field trip in Alabama?

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