When my children were in Kindergarten and First Grade, they struggled with Math and learning how to count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, etc. I was at a loss as to what to do to help them with this process and there wasn’t a textbook out there that seemed to have the answer I needed.
After taking some time to think and pray, I considered how I was a visual learner and that I always pick things up quicker when I can see what someone is trying to teach/show me. I started to think of ways to visually show my children how to count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, etc.
I began by using beans, but they all looked the same and it was very boring. They still didn’t understand and they didn’t care to learn either because it was just work. Needless to say, I went back to the drawing board.
How could I help them learn and have fun with Math at the same time?
Have you ever noticed how drawn your kids are to the candy in the grocery store aisle? They always want JUST ONE pack of candy and there’s a NEW flavor that they CAN’T WAIT to try?!
BINGO! Candy Math Fun!
Why did it take me so long to figure that out, I don’t know, but I am SO glad that I did!
M&Ms™, Skittles™ and other colorful candies provide enough variety in color to teach children how to count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 25’s 50’s and more! What child doesn’t love the many colors of the rainbow and the idea of playing with candy?!
Using candy to make Math fun isn’t only for learning to count, you can also use it while teaching your children to add and subtract. Once I began using candy to teach my kids Math, it was not only lots of fun for them, but they didn’t want to stop! Every new concept they tackled in Math they attempted to work candy into it!
A lot of times as homeschool moms we need to take time to be creative while teaching our children and not get stuck in doing things the way the textbook says if it’s not working. Learning won’t always be easy, but it doesn’t always have to be dry and boring either. Thinking outside the box is key to homeschooling!
In order to help you get started in using candy to make Math fun in your home, I’ve created a set of printable cards to get you started. I hope they are a blessing to you and your family.
Math can be overwhelming for moms or it can be fun! Either way, take a moment and check out our math Pinterest board below!
Follow Misty Leask’s board Homeschool : Math on Pinterest.