Getting ready to visit colleges with your high schooler? This College Visit Comparison Guide is a great resource to print and take with you!
Whether your high schooler has 6 colleges on their must-visit list or 2, a decision will have to be made.
It is easy to get caught up in the moment and fall in love with one place while you’re there.
However, it is important to be able to take a step back and really reflect on what you learned, saw, heard and felt during each college visit.
Not every college is right for every student, no matter how wonderful their presentations are, how beautiful their campus is or how many options they offer.
If your high schooler is headed for college, it is essential that you take part in their college search.
It is likely their first big step into the world outside of your home and they’ll need guidance and direction – even if they don’t know it.
Be prepared to listen more than you share to enable you to make recommendations and cite concerns appropriately.
Inside this College Visit Comparison Guide, you’ll find a college overview page and pros and cons pages for both students and parents.