Pursuing peace is not an easy task, but we need it in our lives and our homes desperately. Without peace our homes fill up with chaos and strife. A life without peace is often in turmoil, never knowing how to let go and live in the moment.
Worry is typically present in a person or home that has no peace.
This journey towards A Season of Joy starts off with pursuing peace by focusing on being patient. I am not a patient person. I once prayed for it…bad idea. Now, I just try to do my best to remember that patience is a virtue that I need.
My journey towards becoming the patient woman, mother and wife that God desires me to be will last my entire life. I’m so thankful that He doesn’t expect me to spend a couple days focusing on patience and expect me to come out with an A+.
As we prepare to move onto the second step to help us cultivate peace in our home, I pray that we’ll continue working on being more patient with our families and ourselves. This next step is not an easy one, but it is essential.
Having a peaceful home doesn’t come from just one family member pursuing it. The entire family needs to be working together to bring peace to your home. I encourage you take time to include them in this journey towards A Season of Joy with you by using at least one of the family activities from each step.
How to Pursue Peace in Your Home
You can help encourage peace in your home by being the example of what you’d like to see.
As parents we should always be the example of what we’d like our children to be and even what we’d like them to become as adults. We can’t expect them to do what we say if what we do doesn’t line up with it.
The old saying, “Do as I say not as I do”, simply does not work. We must exemplify the actions and behavior we wish to see in our children.
Our children will learn to be more peaceful when they see us choosing to be peaceful when things don’t go the way we had planned, when they’re pushing our buttons or when homeschool days take longer than they should.
Activity Suggestions:
* During family night take turns acting out scenarios where players have to make a choice to choose peace or frustration. Spend time talking about both sides of the coin and why they would have been harder/easier.
* Read Matthew 8:23-27 as a family and discuss what it might have been like to be present during the storm with Jesus
* At the end of the day encourage your family by sharing moments when you saw them choose peace throughout the day
Grab a Free Matthew 8:23-27 Discussion Guide here
As you spend time with your family strive to remember to exemplify the peace that you wish to see. I’m praying continually for you and that God will grant you and your family the peace that you desire today and for the upcoming Christmas season.
If you’d like more encouragement, tips and prayer for this journey, I would love to have you join me on a journey to A Season of Joy in my private Facebook group.