Mansfield Park Book Study

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Ms. Fanny Price is quite possibly the most misunderstood character that Jane Austen penned. Many believe that she is a simple girl with little to offer. Those that take the time to consider the entire story of her life will find that there is much hidden if you’re willing to look beyond a glance. This Mansfield Park Book Study will require that your students do more than just read the book, they’ll discover just who Fanny Price is. 

mansfield park book study, mansfield park study, mansfield park

Mansfield Park is filled with strength, quality character, consequences, compassion, love and more. It will cause you to contemplate more than some of Jane Austen’s other books. This book is more than just another romance novel. 

This Mansfield Park Book Study Pack contains questions that you can use as discussion topics if you’re watching the movie together or your students can complete them on their own.

There are several different styles of paper included designed to give you the most flexibility to customize the study to your students.


Jane Austen’s books fall under classic literature because they have withstood the test of time. The best literature is that which the reader connects with no matter how old the book may be. 

You will continue to find new resources (including book and movie studies) in my store based on Jane Austen’s writings from time to time. 

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