We love playing games as part of our homeschooling journey and just for fun. While having different board and card games is nice, sometimes having a deck of cards to play rummy, go fish or solitaire with is just what you need. This deck of Star Wars Playing Cards is perfect for May the 4th Be With You Day or any day in a fans’ life for that matter.
I grew up playing games with my family, so it is no surprise that I try to incorporate as many educational games into our homeschool as possible.
Sometimes though, I need a break from playing games, but my children don’t understand that. So, I’ve had to find games for them to play either together, just the two of them, or on their own.
A deck of cards can be used to play many different games for just one or two players. My son recently found this book and has enjoyed learning new games to play on his own.
Whenever I can create or find a Star Wars game, my kids are thrilled. They’ve been raised on Star Wars since they were toddlers, thanks to having teenage uncles when they were young.
These Star Wars Playing Cards can be printed on cardstock, laminated and enjoyed for years to come!