As I’ve been pursuing peace on this journey towards A Season of Joy I’ve focused on patience, being an example and attentive. While all of these things are wonderful and honestly needful, if they are all we have we can not truly have peace because…
You can not have peace without Christ. It is impossible. You may have peaceful moments, but peace that passes all understanding is not possible without the Son of God.
We must remember this –> If our homes seem out of balance and chaos is starting to take over, then we need to stop and seek Christ. He is the only One that can bring balance to our lives and remove the chaos from our days.
Peace can be ours if we would just remember to call out His name. Christ longs to give us the peace that we need.
The question is…
Do we truly believe that Christ can fill our hearts and lives with the peace we so desperately desire?
Your entire family needs to be working together to bring peace to your home. You can’t create a peaceful home just by pursuing it all by yourself. I encourage you take time to include them in this journey towards A Season of Joy with you by using at least one of the family activities from each step.
How to Pursue Peace in Your Home
You can encourage peace in your home by keeping Christ at the center of it.
Begin each day with coffee and Jesus. Ensure that your children read their Bible and pray each day. Have a family devotion time together and pray with your kids before they go to sleep.
When difficulties arise in your day use scripture to disciple and correct your children, show them what God’s word says about the situation. In all things look to Christ.
Activity Suggestions:
* When teaching your children right from wrong or correcting behavior it is best to go to God’s Word and show them what He has to say about it. We love using the Child Training Bible in our home and I know you would too.
* Encourage your children to look to Christ for direction first by praying together about decisions that they or the family needs to make.
* Challenge your family to a singathon featuring only songs that speak of Christ specifically
Get Your Free Printable Featuring Hymns About Christ for Your Family Bible Time here
Whether or not we are pursuing peace specifically, Christ needs to be at the center of our homes. One of the easiest ways that I have learned to do this in my life is to simply ask myself, What Would Jesus Do?
If you’d like more encouragement, tips and prayer for this journey, I would love to have you join me on a journey to A Season of Joy in my private Facebook group.