How often do you talk to your husband? How about your children? I’m not referring to the daily interaction you have about how each other’s days were and what crazy things your kids did throughout the day.
I’m asking how often you take the time to sit down and talk to your spouse and children heart to heart – sharing each others dreams and concerns?
Personally, I do not do either of these very often at all. I know I should and I actually want to, but time gets away from me and by the time I remember it is bedtime and everyone else is asleep.
As part of our journey towards A Season of Joy and cultivating love in ourselves and our homes, we’ve focused on being loyal and optimistic. We’re now going to begin showing our family that we love them by allowing every one to have a voice.
Your entire family needs to be working together to build up the love in your home. You can’t create a loving home just by pursuing it all by yourself. I encourage you take time to include them in this journey towards A Season of Joy with you by using at least one of the family activities from each step.
How to Pursue Love in Your Home
You can cultivate love within the relationships in your home by ensuring you take time to actually talk with your family members.
As parents we often grow tired in the midst of our busy days and long for a bit of peace and quiet at the end of our day. While there are times when we need a break, we need to ensure that we set aside time to spend with each of our children (and our husbands!) — one on one!
It is difficult for each family member to share their thoughts, dreams and concerns in a group setting. This is not to say that encouraging communication as a family is not important, but rather that as a parent we need to ensure that time is made for both!
The better a family communicates the more love abounds!
Activity Suggestions:
* Set up a time for you and your spouse to have a date night this week (in or out on the town) which allows you time to talk together (ie: no movie nights, leave the phones in the car, etc.)
* Make time for each child to have one on one time with either you or your spouse this week where they can share their thoughts, feelings, dreams, etc. without having to compete for attention
* Have a family fun afternoon/night this week that requires you to communicate throughout the event (ie: no movie nights, digital devices put away, etc.)
Get Your Free Marriage and Parent/Child Date Night Idea Printable here
While I am encouraging you to spend time together and separately this week, this is an activity that I pray you will make part of your family schedule each month.
You and your spouse need time together alone and your children need time with each parent alone…each of your relationships rely on it.
If you’d like more encouragement, tips and prayer for this journey, I would love to have you join me on a journey to A Season of Joy in my private Facebook group.