It seems like there is always some new homeschool curriculum coming out that looks “perfect” for our homeschool. Often it doesn’t matter whether or not we really need the new curriculum, but the fact that it is new and looks wonderful causes many homeschool moms to make impulse purchases.
When homeschool moms sit down to write up their homeschooling plan, most of them plan out every single subject, topic and list all of the curriculum they will use for the entire year. This step is the leading cause of homeschool curriculum impulse purchases.
While it is important to have a general idea of what you plan to use in your homeschool for the year, we have to remain flexible and leave some gaps for new curriculum that we or our children want to use. At the same time we also need to remember that there may be curriculum that just doesn’t fit us or our homeschool and we’ll need to adjust our plan accordingly.
[Tweet “Homeschool impulse purchases are often unused curriculum. #YRHTips”]
The best way to avoid making homeschool impulse purchases is to not buy everything at once.
By purchasing your entire homeschool year’s curriculum at once you’re setting yourself up to go over budget, you will likely have more curriculum than you need, will probably buy something during the year because it looks too good to pass up or because your children have a new learning interest.
In choosing to buy only your core subjects, (reading, writing and arithmetic), and a few additional materials to get you started, this will allow you to be able to start your homeschool year. The best part is that you’ll be giving yourself and your children the opportunity to learn about things that come up or interest them throughout the year.
For instance instead of limiting yourself to an entire homeschool year devoted to physical science and American history, why not allow for Chemistry and Roman history to fit into your homeschool year?
[Tweet “Avoid making homeschool impulse purchases by not buying everything at once. #YRHTips “]
Often interests change throughout the year and our children are inspired and excited to learn about something new. Yet, if we’ve already used our entire homeschool budget and/or are so stuck to our year round homeschool plans that we can’t “fit it in”, then we’ll find our children become disinterested in learning altogether and/or we’ll make homeschool impulse purchases.
Asking your kids what they want to learn about at the beginning and throughout the school year is a great way to encourage them to learn and it will help you keep from making homeschool impulse purchases that are unnecessary.
You can find the rest of the Year Round Homeschooling Tips from this 31 day series here.
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